Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I have had many experiences when it comes to communicating through the internet, one of my worst experiences was with a teacher I had at my last school. I took his math class, and I would have weekly progress reports because I was an athlete so it was require. All semester I was fine, me and my academic advisor would check my grades every Friday and see how I’m doing. After my midterm I know I did bad but I new that it didn’t hurt my grade as much because I had turned in all of my assignments. Me and my academic advisor checked my grade and I had an F in the class ands the email said that I have not turned in any homework at all. I new that this was a lie because me and my tutor would work on it and I would show my advisor that I had done the homework and I turn it in.
The situation eased the conversation via email because me and my advisor could get out our frustration by email instead of face-to-face. We explained that I turned in every homework assignment and that this must be some kind of mistake and that I would come talk to him in class today. Why this worked by email first was because that’s how I would get my weekly reports was by email and this was the reason why I hadn’t talk to him yet because my grade was fine in the class before. I ended up going to class that day and I talk to him about my grade and he said the only way I would pass the class is if I was to do all the homework assignments again. I had explain to him that you see me everyday with these homework assignments and now you don’t have them really pissed me off and he just said well I don’t have them so you will have to do them over. I did all the homework assignments over and me and my advisor photocopied every last homework assignment for that class and other classes too, but at the end of the term he said it was to late and I ended up not even passing that class. The other main factor in my grade is that he didn’t even like athletes and he hated that we missed classes. Their were other athletes in this class to and he didn’t pass them either. This was a known fact that he didn’t like athletes either but his class was a required class and you had to take it and he was the only teacher teaching that class that semester.
It was easier to deal with the situation on line because it help get all my frustration out online rather then face-to-face because if the encounter were to happen face-to-face before I found out about the email it would have been ugly and I would have just blown up and it wouldn’t have been a pretty site. After talking it over with my advisor we just had a plan to photocopy everything so that if it were to happen again we would have all the evidence we needed against the teacher. The internet was a buffer to help my first reaction be put into a email rather then seeing him face-to-face and cursing him out.


Lindsey said...

Your blog is very interesting to me because I too wrote about a math classes problem, but mine was taken online. So reading your blog has been a relief that I am not the only one who deals with difficult professors. I feel really bad that your teacher was such a jerk even when you went back and did everything he asked. You would also think that teachers would want to support the school or university they are employed by; therefore also supporting the athletic departments and players. I also agree that sometimes dealing with email conversation can help you let off steam before you have to go face-to-face, I know that if had to express all my anger centered emails in person it would be a completely different situation to say the least. Again I am sorry about your past situation with your math teacher that is unreal and so unfair.

Latu Moala said...

I am very similar with the situation you had to face. I am also a student athlete and I have had teachers who didn't like athletes. This is a common experience with most student athletes. I believe that the best way to deal with teachers like this is to pretend you are intrested in the subject and ask alot of questions. My academic advisor from my previous school once told me that if you just show up to class, you would at least get an average C. I try not to the in the back of the class sleeping all the time. I'm always in the front pretending I am intrested. I think this is a great method for student athletes because it has proved useful for me. Great post!