Tuesday, February 26, 2008


My first interview I did was on my teammate who is 21. Her primary use for the internet is mainly for school, access to blackboard, online classes, and her email. But she also gets on the internet sometimes just to check her MySpace and Facebook or to buy stuff on eBay since we don’t have a lot of time off because of basketball to go shopping. My teammate has used internet all her life so she’s very comfortable using the internet, technology has been the same since she was little and nothing has really change at all but she feels that it’s changed her life for the better and has advanced so much that you don’t always have to go somewhere to get what you want you can do it online and it’s not such a hassle all the time.
My second interview was on my mother she is 45. She doesn’t spend a lot of time on the internet as much as my dad, but her main use for internet is mainly for work and when she’s on the internet is at work not really at home. When I go home just for the weekend or when we have a break I can count on one hand how many times she has used the internet at home. She feels like she really has no major use for it, it’s a convenience for her, she doesn’t take it for granted at all. My mother said that it has been an improvement in her life because she can find information she needs faster and quicker by internet, she doesn’t also have to find information through the newspaper or television because the internet will have it in minutes or online all day compared to newspapers and television. She is comfortable with being online and roaming on the internet but she told me she’s not advanced as me and my brother and dad but she can find her way to different sites. In general she thought the internet is great to have around but it’s not something she uses all the time or thing she needs to use all the time.
My third and final blog was on my grandfather who is 72. He doesn’t use the internet at all and doesn’t know ho to use the internet. If he needs to do something on the computer he will call my mom or any of his kids to help him do something on the computer or he will just have them do it for him. He says he’s too old to try to figure out the internet, it’s just too much work for him. He said technology is to advanced for him and the only reason he got a cell phone was because of his kids so they can no where he is and check on him when he is traveling. The internet has not really changed his life at all because he never really gets on it; his kids help him with things that he has to do on the internet.
Overall looking at the three different types of ages groups, their was big differences in how they use the internet and what they use it for. It is funny to me, that sometimes the old you get the less you may use the internet. With the interviews that I did I felt like either it was really complicated for them or it was very easy and not a lot of stress to use the internet.

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